We are a tax deductible organization.
Cash Donations
These donations are placed in a Client Special Needs Fund that is used to purchase $25.00 gas cards for work, bus tickets, personal hygiene products, prescriptions, $25 Walmart cards, and office supplies.
Special Events Donations
Domestic Violence Awareness Month events, Sexual Assault Awareness Month events, Teen Dating Violence Awareness month events.
Acceptable Donation Items
You may donate the following items to our shelter:
- paper towels
- toilet paper
- dish soap
- laundry detergent
- kitchen supplies
- appliances
- linens & bedding
- clothing
- personal hygiene items (soap, shampoo/conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.)
- non-perishable food
- baby supplies (diapers, wipes, clothes, etc.)
- office supplies (assorted colors of copy paper, pens, pencils, paper clips, etc.)
- gift cards
- raffle prizes for events (movie tickets, gift cards, museum tickets, sports tickets, restaurant gift cards)